“If you actually believe that the vaxx works and have been jabbed and boosted, then why should it matter if someone else chooses not to be vaxxed. You’re protected, right?”
- Lynne Yandura (Twitter)
In this chapter my goal is to introduce you to several vaccine injured people and where you can find out about vaccine injuries. I hope that you will see that vaccine injuries are a real thing.
It’s been surreal for me to see the “safe and effective” slogan repeated again and again while at the same time learning about vaccine injuries. It is easy to find out about vaccine injuries if people look. At some point injuries associated with the Covid vaccines will be undeniable to everyone including people in government agencies, mainstream media and the mandaters themselves.
There are at least 4 places where people who believe in mandating Covid vaccines could be learning about vaccine injuries.
1- People can learn about vaccine injuries by searching on social media. These examples come from Twitter:

The Blue Room suffers from myocarditis and is unable to live normally. Being injected with Covid vaccines prevented him from living a full life. He posts regularly on Twitter. His story is very sad, and he deserves to be made whole. In response to his post, Tom Kay wrote that his brother died after his second dose of the Covid vaccine.
Here is another young man suffering from myocarditis:

In the above tweet, Its Luke wonders why people are so resistant to believing his experience. I can’t imagine how he deals with people’s refusal to open their eyes. I would want to shake them… or I’d end up shaking inside myself.
Next is a young man who died in his sleep.